Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The #1 WORST Food that HARMS Your Brain


The #1 WORST Food that HARMS Your Brain


Some foods you might be eating daily can actually DAMAGE your brain over time.

Certain foods you eat can indeed harm your brain, both in impaired learning ability as well as impaired memory.  Even worse, the wrong food and drink choices throughout your life can even lead to the terrible and deadly disease of Alzheimers.

A friend of mine just told me that her dad died of Alzheimers recently and it was just a terrible disease where he didn’t even know who she was anymore towards the end.  It’s time our society starts taking degenerative diseases like Alzheimers, cancer, and heart disease more seriously throughout our lives, and not just once it’s too late. Even in our 30′s, 40′s, and 50′s, the choices we make with our daily food can PREVENT these terrible diseases.


In a 2012 UCLA study published in the Journal of Physiology, researchers found that a diet high in fructose over time can damage your memory and learning ability.

Beyond the harm to your brain, it’s well known in the research world that a high fructose diet can also cause insulin resistance in your body over time, and possibly lead to type-2 diabetes and extra body fat.  If that’s not enough, a high fructose diet also detrimentally affects your triglyceride levels in your blood as well as small dense LDL particles that cause plaque in your arteries.

So what we have here is high-fructose intake = impaired memory and learning in your brain, increased risk of diabetes, and increased risk of heart disease. Oh, and we forgot to mention extra belly fat too…  Yum – who wants another can of soda pop or a large bowl of corn syrup sweetened ice cream!

The average person eating a modern western diet of processed food consumes a LARGE quantity of fructose without even thinking about it from all of the soft drinks (high fructose corn syrup typically), sweetened juice drinks, orange juice, processed junk foods such as cakes and candies, as well as the HFCS that’s added to store-bought salad dressings, breads and cereals, and even condiments like ketchup.

Note that many sports drinks, even though marketed as “healthy”, can have large amounts of corn syrup or even crystalline fructose as their main sweetener.  These sports drinks can be equally as bad as a soda for your body and your brain.  Don’t be fooled by the clever marketing showing pictures of pro athletes guzzling this stuff.

Also note that agave syrup (aka, agave nectar) which is marketed as a “healthy” sweetener as well, is one of the most concentrated forms of processed fructose in sweeteners as well.  I personally stay away from agave sweeteners as much as possible unless the amounts are very small.

All of these fructose-laden foods and drinks are easy to avoid though if you choose to eat consciously… for example, make homemade salad dressings from your favorite olive oil and vinegar with added spices, or choose to drink unsweetened iced tea with lemon instead of sweetened drinks or juices.  If you use a lot of ketchup, try to reduce the quantity by mixing with mustard or hot sauce, which typically don’t contain HFCS sweetener in any significant quantities.

Last thing to note about fructose… Yes, natural whole fruits do contain fructose, but generally contain MUCH smaller quantities of fructose than you would consume in a sweetened juice drink, soft drink or sweetened junk foods.  Also, the phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that’s contained in most whole fruits counteracts any negative effects of fructose.  I personally try to keep fruit intake to no more than 1-2 pieces a day due to the sugar and fructose content of larger amounts of fruit.

Here’s a trick:  Did you know that limes and lemons contain virtually zero fructose, and only 3-4 grams of total carbs in a whole lemon or lime, whereas a typical orange contains 6 grams of fructose and 25 grams of total sugar per fruit.  I squeeze lemons and limes daily into either water or teas for a healthy flavorful drink. Fresh lemon juice has even been shown to control blood sugar response from a meal…another bonus!

Other Foods that HARM Your Brain:

You probably already know some of the harmful health effects of these foods, but long term effects on your brain are yet another…

Trans fats – strongly inflammatory in your entire body including damage to cell membranes throughout your body.  Avoid hydrogenated oils in processed foods and deep fried foods.

Mercury – studies show that mercury from pollution (coal burning plants are the biggest source of mercury pollution to air and water) and from fish that are high on the food chain such as tuna, shark, swordfish, tilefish, etc can possibly cause long term negative effects on your brain.  Limit these types of fish to a couple times a month and focus more on fish such as salmon, trout, and many other types of smaller fish to reduce your mercury load.

Wheat-based foods – In the groundbreaking book, Wheat Belly, Dr William Davis makes a very convincing argument that wheat has addictive properties in the brain.  Wheat contains compounds termed “exorphins” that have an effect in your brain similar to opiate drugs.  This explains why people have such a hard time giving up their beloved breads, cereals, pasta, and muffins because these foods are mildly addictive.

I know personally from past experience that if I have have a pasta dinner, I’ll go back for seconds and thirds as I just can’t seem to stop eating the stuff.  And then hours after dinner, I’ll get cravings for more carb-based foods or sweets.  But if I pass on the pasta and just have meat, veggies, and salad, I find myself totally satisfied after dinner with no cravings later at night.

By Mike Geary | TruthAboutAbs



how to make teeth snowwhite

-Put a tiny bit of toothpaste into a
small cup,
mix in one teaspoon baking soda
plus one
teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, and
half a
teaspoon water.
Thoroughly mix then brush your
teeth for two minutes. Remember to
do it once a week until you have
reached the results you want. Once
your teeth are good and white, limit
yourself to using the
whitening treatment once every
month or two.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Girl Frozen For 500 years

Girl Frozen For 500 years Girl who was killed as an offering to the Inca gods sometime between 1450 and 1480, at approximately 11–15 years old. best-preserved mummy ever found, with internal organs intact, blood still present in the heart and lungs, and skin and facial features mostly unscathed. No special effort had been made to preserve her and 500 years later still looked like sleeping children.  The mummified body of this little girl was discovered in Mount Ampato (part of the Andes cordillera) in southern Peru. Latter on further expeditions, two more mummies were found; a young girl and a boy. Due to the freezing temperature their bodies as well as their garments were extremely well-preserved. Scientist latter named her "Juanita". Currently on display at the museum in Arequipa, Peru. http://is.gd/fkiEYo *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ @[393340810735212:274:The Unknown; but not hidden.] ¤•"*~♥~♥~Girl Frozen For 500 years
Girl who was killed as an offering to the
Inca gods sometime between 1450 and
1480, at approximately 11–15 years old.
best-preserved mummy ever found, with
internal organs intact, blood still present in
the heart and lungs, and skin and facial
features mostly unscathed. No special
effort had been made to preserve her and
500 years later still looked like sleeping

The mummified body of this little girl was discovered in Mount Ampato (part of the Andes cordillera) in southern Peru. Latter on further expeditions, two more mummies were found; a young girl and a boy. Due to the freezing temperature their bodies as well as their garments were extremely well-preserved. Scientist latter named her "Juanita". Currently on display at the museum in Arequipa, Peru.


The TRUE Size Of Africa - An Erroneous Map Misled Us For 500 Years!

Although featured in 'The West Wing', this map dishonesty is anything but fictional. The video below will give you an accurate look at the size of Africa.

People are often not aware of how large Africa continent really is. The image below is an accurate look at Africa relative to some major countries:

The map shows how Africa (30,3 million km²) is larger than the combination of China (9,6 million km²), the US (9,4 million km²), Western Europe (4,9 million km²), India (3,2 million km²) and Argentina (2,8 million km²), three Scandinavian countries and the British Isles (map gives no surface for these last two areas). Map Source

The Peters Projection World Map

Peters Projection World Map tries to capture the real relative sizes

The Peters Projection World Map is one of the most stimulating, and controversial, images of the world. When this map was first introduced by historian and cartographer Dr. Arno Peters at a Press Conference in Germany in 1974 it generated a firestorm of debate. The first English-version of the map was published in 1983, and it continues to have passionate fans as well as staunch detractors.

The earth is round. The challenge of any world map is to represent a round earth on a flat surface. There are literally thousands of map projections. Each has certain strengths and corresponding weaknesses. Choosing among them is an exercise in values clarification: you have to decide what's important to you. That is generally determined by the way you intend to use the map. The Peters Projection is an area accurate map. - See more at: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/04/the-true-size-of-africa-erroneous-map.html#sthash.U17VP4E3.dpuf

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!

On Marco Island, Florida a group of dolphins came to the aid of a lost Dog that had fallen into a canal and couldn't get out. The dolphins made so much noise, it attracted the attention of people living nearby, who then rescued the dog. The Dog was believed to have spent 15 hours in the canal water before he was pulled out by fire personnel and reunited with his owner.

One of the people whose attention was captured by the noisy, demonstrative dolphins said, "They were really putting up a ruckus, almost beaching themselves on the sandbar over there. If it wasn't for the dolphin, I would have never seen the dog.” (Source: ABC7news) He said also if the dolphins hadn't persisted enough to get their attention, they dog would have died in the canal. 

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!  On Marco Island, Florida a group of dolphins came to the aid of a lost Dog that had fallen into a canal and couldn't get out. The dolphins made so much noise, it attracted the attention of people living nearby, who then rescued the dog. The Dog was believed to have spent 15 hours in the canal water before he was pulled out by fire personnel and reunited with his owner.  One of the people whose attention was captured by the noisy, demonstrative dolphins said, "They were really putting up a ruckus, almost beaching themselves on the sandbar over there. If it wasn't for the dolphin, I would have never seen the dog.” (Source: ABC7news) He said also if the dolphins hadn't persisted enough to get their attention, they dog would have died in the canal.   The dog had fallen over the edge of a concrete wall down into the water far enough that it had no chance of getting back up by itself. The dog was exhausted from being in the cold water for hours, and most likely suffering from hypothermia.  Dolphins have been known to sometimes help stranded or injured people as well. In 2007, a pod of dolphins formed a ring around a surfer who was injured and bleeding after being bitten by a Great White shark. The surfer survived because they prevented further bites. No one knows exactly why dolphins have intervened in such emergency situations, and helped save the lives of other species.   Suffice to say they are capable of empathy and heroic actions. Keep sharing @[383902301704226:274:Facts You Never Knew]

The dog had fallen over the edge of a concrete wall down into the water far enough that it had no chance of getting back up by itself. The dog was exhausted from being in the cold water for hours, and most likely suffering from hypothermia.

Dolphins have been known to sometimes help stranded or injured people as well. In 2007, a pod of dolphins formed a ring around a surfer who was injured and bleeding after being bitten by a Great White shark. The surfer survived because they prevented further bites. No one knows exactly why dolphins have intervened in such emergency situations, and helped save the lives of other species. 

Suffice to say they are capable of empathy and heroic actions.

Keep sharing Facts You Never Knew


Saturday, April 27, 2013

How We can Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads

Clear and flawless skin is one thing that every person dreams of. But what to do when our skin is all covered with blackheads? Certainly it shatters our dream of attaining a perfect skin. Blackheads and whiteheads do not get much of our attention until we have a special occasion coming up and we want to look our best. Why wait for an occasion? Make your skin look perfect every day. So here we are with an aim to give a solution for your dream skin.
Four Steps to Get Rid of Pimples Permanently
The first thing to do is to understand the difference between the two, blackheads and whiteheads.
What are Blackheads?
When excess oil is produced by the sebaceous glands, blackheads are formed. The pores get enlarged due to the overproduction of this oil and as more oil deposits are accumulated in the pore it hardens and causes the pore to get clogged. The blackhead is formed when the exposed tip of the clogged oil gets oxidized. Once the blackhead is formed, the pore continuously expands because of more oil production and exposure to dirt, which finally causes acne.
What Are Whiteheads?
Whiteheads are blackheads’ counterpart. You can also call them milia. They are actually a type of acne caused by the activity of the sebaceous glands. Hormonal changes play a major role in the formation of whiteheads because they stimulate the production of the oil in the sebaceous glands. The only difference between whitehead and blackhead is that, in case of whiteheads the tip of the clogged pore remains closed so it doesn’t get exposed. If whiteheads get infected they turn into pimples.
How you can prevent blackheads and whiteheads?
Here are some measures you can take to prevent blackheads and whiteheads:
  • Do your facial cleansing 2 to 3 times a day, at least
  • Once a week do exfoliation of your skin using a good scrub
  • For skin nourishment you can apply facial mask, twice in a week
  • Do get exposed to sunlight early in the morning i.e. around to 6:00 am to 9:00 am. Though some say it is a myth, there is still nothing to lose. Give it a try
  • It is better if you keep your hair neat, away from your face as it can cause skin irritation
  • Benzoyl peroxide is an effective blackhead fighter, so you can apply it to the areas where you mostly get blackheads
  • You can also use lemon juice to prevent the excess formation of the oil on your skin that can result into the formation of blackheads and whiteheads
How can you Get Rid of Blackheads?
Here are some steps you can follow to get rid of blackheads:
  • Whenever you feel that your face is getting oily wash it with a mild cleanser. Do not confuse bar soaps with facial cleansers
  • Avoid using too much of make-up. Also choose the right product that suits your skin type. Make-up can cause pores to clog by depositing extra oil in them. Choose the products labeled, “non-comedogenic”, such products won’t clog pores
  • Use a separate towel for body and face and always ensure that your face towel is clean
  • To avoid the oiliness of the skin avoid taking oily foods
  • Always use clean beddings, especially the pillowcases
  • You can use hot steam to remove the blackheads. Take a bowl of hot steaming water and place your face above it. Steaming can help open up the clogged pores, this enables you to remove the blackheads easily
  • You can also use an extractor to remove the blackheads. An extractor is a tool having loops at both ends that helps to gently squeeze out the blackheads from your skin. But be careful as mishandling the extractor can cause scars on your skin. Extractors can remove whiteheads as well
How can you Get Rid of Whiteheads?
  • Whiteheads are usually formed on dry skin so it is important to moisturize your skin properly
  • Always keep your hands away from your face as dirty hands can contribute to the growth of bacteria on the skin
  • Increase your intake of water. To detoxify your body from impurities add a little honey to your glass of water and take it in the morning, empty stomach
  • Do not buy oil-based skin products
  • You can use aloe vera to treat whiteheads. Apply some aloe vera juice to the area where there are white heads with a cotton ball and let it evaporate. The juice is effective for blackheads as well
Remember, every individual has a different skin type so the treatment should be skin type specific. You can consult a dermatologist to get medications to treat this problem as well. Studies reveal that retinoids are very helpful in absorbing the excess oil and also kills bacteria present in the blackheads and whiteheads, which is also responsible for causing acne. The most commonly found retinoids that you can use are Differin, Retin-A and Tazora.
Also take a well balance diet containing lots of fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber.

How to Rid Yourself of Anxiety

Life isn’t just a bed of flowers. Everybody has to go through some challenging minutes in the future. This type of upsetting circumstances may happen for many factors. They could be being affected by pressure at the job. They may encounter terrible regarding themselves and still have reduced self-confidence. Something may have happened of their child years that has still remaining them sensation irritated or misused. Whatever the reason is, at this essential time they should have some guidance and psychiatric treatment.
Depression Woman
When anyone chooses to go for guidance that indicates that they cannot cope with their environment and they are in need of some help for conquering this problem. To choose for having guidance is an issue of bravery. The sufferer should get in touch with a consultant which is a very off- placing process. S/he may be suggested from loved ones. The first process after figuring out a good consultant is to check out his certification as well as encounter before having guidance from them.
To help the troubled individual the consultant should be start – oriented as well as sincere with the sufferer. They should encounter the scenario of their customer for better comprehend. The consumer may be for different perspective. But for guidance the consultant should have tolerance and make them comprehend with their perspective.
When the troubled individual seems more troubled and useless, this type of emotions will improve day by day. They encounter frustrated with themselves all enough time. Their actions will modify with enough time. Presently they need psychiatric treatment, drugs or both of these alternatives. By taking this treatment the missing self inspiration can be obtained which is most important for every person.
A feeling such as depressive disorders is created when feeling energy becomes captured in the mind for the ideas as well as morality. It is not at all that ideas or morality, which might be the issue; however the emotional feeling energy obtained purpose or viewpoint. If you can determine how to reduce this particular stuck energy, then the thought/belief becomes common, removed of its energy and easy to modify. effective allowing go is not an activity in the considering ideas without a activity of will energy, but something which happens quite easily as we all set out to crack down that emotional part to which keep us limited. This compulsive-obsessive energy is a real issue and there can be definitely no allowing go until it is categorized.
Mindfulness will start when we are able to look at an emotion-thought-memory-belief as an item, an ideas item that we can certainly perspective as well as consider, in the same way that a researcher may consider a new living design. This can be quite several to some of our frequent sightless reactivity to become that feeling, of stewing in the designs of as well as risky considering. Whenever we set up mindfulness, we all ignore about considering that feeling as well as unique some of our concern to feeling top quality, the felt-sense in the pressure,
depressive disorders, sadness or struggling. We all concentrate on the feeling energy in the mind item, instead of the material or record.
Recently, it becomes beneficial, because whenever we determine how to sit mindfully using this type of vibrant high top quality of our ideas things, the feelings, ideas, storage, views moreover to morality that make up some of our encounters, the full world upgrades. Reactivity stops plasticity as well as generates hardness, which outcomes in psychological struggling. Mindfulness turns around process as well as regenerates emotional plasticity, which allows carry about modify for better and quality pressure, depressive disorders and various designs of struggling persuaded when feeling energy become frostbite around ideas constructs. You can find growing proof, which mindfulness-based emotional gracefulness is actually carefully associated with mind plasticity, and we all improvement that mindfulness reaction to some of our inner emotional struggling, we all basically modify that neuronal routes which decide how we all understand moreover to cope up with some of our struggling.
People under-going through complicated circumstances of their lifestyles will get the psychiatric treatment that may also help them shift through the complications more easily as well as effectively. Psychotherapy and guidance will let you to discover out the new importance of your residing as well as help you to have some new connections. Sometimes it gives amazing outcomes. Lifestyle is very short. Keep away the distresses. Be assured always. Carry on happily and complete it with all perfumes.

Useful and Handy Uses of Salt You Must Know

Salt is the king of all ingredients in the culinary world. In fact, it is the key ingredient that can make your food taste great. Did you know about the other tricks you can do with the salt? The Salt Institute states that there are 14,000 ways you can use salt. There can’t be a more versatile mineral than the salt and you will agree with us as soon as you will finish reading this article!
In the earliest civilizations, salt was used for preserving the food. At that time salt was hard to obtain. Thanks to the modern methods of production which have made salt the most commonly available mineral worldwide and has also made its supply inexhaustible. There is a huge variety of salts produced for the purpose of consumption. We have refined salt also known as table salt, unrefined salt or sea salt and iodized salt. Then there is kosher salt or processed form of sodium chloride into flat crystals and Epsom salt also known as magnesium sulfate. The salt that we commonly use is sodium chloride.
Since medieval times it has been used as a cleaning agent around the house, trust us you will forget about your toxic chemicals that you have been using for cleaning and would instantly switch to the non-toxic friendly, inexpensive and innocuous salt.
This is how you can make use of the miraculous salt:
Make Poached Eggs
The salt increases the temperature of the boiling water, so if you’ll add a little salt in the water for your poached eggs, it’ll help the eggs to set more quickly and reduces the cooking time.
Egg Freshness Test
If you want to check egg freshness take water in a bowl and add 2 to 3 tsp of salt in it. Now put eggs in this bowl, the fresh ones will sink at the bottom and the old eggs will float. Why does it happen? The older the eggs get the more buoyant they become, because as the egg ages the air cells also increases. But do not presume that the floating eggs are rotten, they are fit for use.
Prevents Fruits from Turning Brown
Usually when we peel or cut fruits like pears and apples, they start browning. Most of us use vinegar or lemon to stop them from changing color. Try this! Drop them in water that has been lightly salted, this won’t change their color.
Deodorize your Hands
So the smell of onions and garlic doesn’t come out of your hands? Mix a little salt in vinegar and rub your hands with the mixture. It will deodorize your hands.
Get High Peaks of Eggs
It takes a lot of time and effort to make high peaks with the egg whites or whip the cream, but if you will add a little salt (just a tiny pinch), it will save your efforts. The egg whites will easily turn into high peaks and the cream will get quickly whipped.
Preserves Cheese
If you want to save cheese from mold, you can wrap it in cheesecloth dabbed in saltwater and refrigerate.
Easy Cleaning of Oven
While baking casserole or a pie, if some of it gets dropped in the oven it becomes very difficult to clean it. It even smokes and smells bad. But if you will put a handful of salt on the spilled casserole or pie, it will not smoke and it will become easier for you to clean your oven afterwards.
Clean sink drains
A mixture of salt and hot water when poured in the kitchen sink, helps to deodorize the sink and also removes the grease from it.
Remove water marks
The water marks created by beverage glasses on the wooden furniture can be effectively cleaned with the help of salt and vegetable oil paste. Just rub a little on the marks and they will be gone.
Clean Refrigerators
A mixture of soda water and salt can be very helpful for cleaning the refrigerators and deodorize them.
Clean rust
It is very hard to get rid of rusts, but not to worry when salt is there for help. Make a paste of salt, cream of tartar and a little water. Rub on the surface where there is rust, dry and brush off, after that buff with a soft, dry cloth. Salt and lemon mixture is also helpful for the rusts, if used in the same way.
Attacks tough stains
Tough stains on clothes? Not a problem anymore. Salt can remove tough stains like wine, blood and also stains of perspiration. Saltwater can also brighten up the color of your faded clothes.
If your clothes are color fast, rinse them in ½ gallon water mixed with ½ cup salt and ½ cup vinegar. Repeat until you get clear water.
Deter Ants
Whenever the ants sneak into your house you can make them run away. Just sprinkle some salt on the window sills and doorways or where ever you see them forming a line.
Keeps Flowers Fresh
Add a dash of salt to the water in the flower vase, this will extend the life of the flowers and will also keep them fresh.
Repair Walls
Nail holes can make your walls look ugly. You can fill these holes with a mixture of 2 tablespoon salt and 2 tablespoon cornstarch and 5 teaspoon water.
Oral care

Salt is very effective for maintaining oral hygiene. It makes you teeth sparkling clean, just use 2 parts baking soda and 1 part salt for brushing and see the difference. You can make a salt rinse as well. Use 1 teaspoon salt in half cup of warm water and gargle with it, this mouthwash will not only save you from bad breath but would also protect you from gum disease. Use it twice a day. This mouthwash is also effective for sore throat. Relieves Insect Bites
If you get a bee sting, dampen the affected area and put salt on it. Salt will reduce the swelling and pain. You can also put saltwater on mosquito bites, as it is effective for soothing the itch.
Exfoliate your Skin
Looking for a natural scrub to remove away the dirt and dead cells? Use salt and it will boost your blood circulation and would also make your skin glow.
Remedy for Burns
Salt is a very effective remedy for burns. Just cover the burnt area of your skin with salt, it will prevent scalding and would also prevent blisters to occur.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Here are 12 craziest Inventions by Japanese

After "painting" your nails, simply put the hand below these tiny tubes, and pimp the air with your other hand.
Quick,easy and accurate way to apply butter on bread. 
Umbrella That protects from rain and also enables you to collect water in chamber which you can carry around your waist.
For more accurate lipstick.

You can rotate its sole by 180 degree.
Well described in photo below.
Now men can also feed milk to babies,no excuse.
For sleeping in metro or train.
Not even single drop of rain.
Well weird one ,i couldn't understand its use.
This one is cool.

Ten habits of Highly Effective Brains

Today in our busy lives we might focus on our physical health but totally neglect our brain fitness. Our brain is responsible for not only undertaking our mental tasks but also helps us carry out physical functions and for that a healthy brain is a prerequisite. Approximately there are 1.1 trillion cells and 100 billion neurons in an average human brain. The slowest information processing speed of a brain is 260 mph.

A brain thinks 70,000 thoughts in a day out of which most of them are repeated over and over again, so when the next time you think something take some time to think about your brain as well. Researchers today suggest a healthy lifestyle that benefits in maintaining effective and vibrant brains. Following is the list of ten essential habits necessary for a healthy brain, let’s review them and try to apply them in our daily lives.


Each of us should have an understanding of what are brains made up of and what are the elements involved in its functionality. This will help us to appreciate the beauty of our brain and would enhance its working ability. The brain comprises of 3 main sub-systems, Neocortex, Limbic System and Cerebellum. Neocortex performs high level thinking and helps undertake integrative tasks such as conceptualizing, planning and controls movements and senses. Limbic system is in charge of emotions and memory. Cerebellum regulates breathing, heartbeat and maintains motor coordination. When we use our brains the neurons interact with each other which results in maintaining an active brain. The more we will put our brains to work the more efficient it will get, as they say “Use it or lose it”.


Stuff your brain with some fats, we mean the good fats such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, these fat aids the flexibility of the neurons.Yet another amazing fact is that the brain weighs only 3lbs but consumes 20%-25% of the body’s energy supplies. Brain requires a lot of glucose and it is evident that the major cause of dementia is the lack of brains ability to consume glucose efficiently.

The antioxidant foods are also beneficial for the brain as it is prone to oxidative damage. Antioxidants foods include spinach, potatoes, nuts, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits.

The trick is to have a healthy diet in order to maintain a healthy brain. Choose natural sources of these food rather than taking supplements. Dr. Larry Mc Cleary recommends fatty fish, vegetables, fruits like berries and nuts as a part of the daily diet.


Recent studies have helped to conclude that regular physical exercise may result in developing fitter brains.  A study by Kramer and colleagues in 2010 revealed that children who had high levels of physical activities were more mentally efficient. It was also analyzed that such children had larger hippocampus that is responsible for developing new memories. The research is also applicable to adults and it has been proved that physically fit adults have higher cognitive performance. Aerobic exercise for 30-60 minutes three times a week is also very beneficial for enhancing memory and improving brain health.




Ever wondered how dangerous stress and anxiety could be for your brain?  It can damage the neurons in the brain and prevents building up of new ones as well. The key to a healthy brain is to develop future-oriented, positive thoughts. Guide your brain towards positive thinking and make it your habit for life time. Meditation and yoga can be very helpful to develop positivity.


Once neurons are developed in our brains, for how long will they survive depends on the way we make use of them. Mental challenges such as new activities and brain games enhance cognitive fitness. Computer based programs, puzzle games, meditation or music notes, each one of them act as a tool that may improve a specific cognitive function. Researches show that a simple game like Sudoku can help improve brain functionality.


There are no age limits involved as far as learning is concerned. The brain development never stops no matter how old you grow, so it doesn’t mean that if you have graduated from college it’s your time to say goodbye to learning. A study published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives proved that people taking early retirements reflected a quick decline in their memory. A working environment comes with multiple cognitive challenges thus resulting in healthier and sharper brains. Therefore, it is better to “retire the word retirement”.


Traveling would enable your brain to adapt to new environment, experience unknown challenges and make explorations. Undertaking daily routine work does not help develop the brain.  To increase brain activity new experiences and learning environment is a must and traveling can provide such opportunities to the brain.


Don’t let anyone spoon feed your brain, solve your problems yourself. You might find your friends and neighbors very smart but when it comes to decision making let your brain do its own work. When you outsource your brain you are actually depriving it from developing its problem solving skills.


Man is a “social animal” and this aspect has also been proven to be beneficial for maintaining a well developed brain. Though physical and mental exercises are important but if these activities involve social interactions they can prove to be more fruitful. Therefore, pondering over a problem by yourself may result in brain exercise but discussing it with a group would further boost brain activity. Why social interactions are more helpful in brain development? The reason is that when we are involved in a group activity our brain focuses on memory, control and attention processes and help us develop our problem solving skills.


A good humor helps brain in two ways, one it manages stress level and two it boosts the immune system. Studies reveal that people who laugh quite often do not get ill. So whenever you feel low call up one of your friends with whom you enjoy a good laugh, it will work miracles for your brain.

Remember, this article is only helpful if you try to introduce these habits to your daily life until they become your mind’s default set up. You can pick each habit one at a time, bring it to practice and then see for yourself what wonders it can do for you.

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