Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cancer Fighting Foods

After Heart disease, Cancer is the second highest cause of deaths in America. It has been estimated by WHO (World Health Organization) that in 2010 Cancer accounted for 569, 490 deaths in America. Some of the scientists also predicted that in the year 2015 cancer will cause 9 million deaths. Almost 75% of cancers are caused by environmental factors such as tobacco, radiation, infectious diseases and diet. It has also been estimated by the American Cancer society that 1/3 of all cancer deaths are diet related.
So let’s prove these estimations are wrong by fighting cancer. How can we do that? WHO (World Health Organisation) suggests that 40% of all cancers are curable by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and by not using tobacco. So today we would tell you about the foods that will help you combat this deadly disease and live a healthy and active life. Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon from National Cancer Institute suggests that, “The easiest, least-expensive way to reduce your risk for cancer is just by eating a healthy diet”.
Cancer Fighting Foods
WHO (World Health Organisation) suggests that 40% of all cancers are curable by maintaining a healthy diet
Following is the list of foods with promising Cancer fighting agents:
Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli
In these 3 vegetables you will find a chemical component known as indole-3-carbinol, it has the capability to regulate the production of cancer promoting estrogen. Broccoli also contains phytochemical sulforaphane that helps prevent rectal and colon cancer by deactivating free radicals. However, be careful while choosing broccoli because the bitterer tasting have the highest cancer fighting enzymes.
The compound known as beta-carotene found in carrots can lower the risk of developing a wide variety of cancers such as mouth, throat, lung, stomach, breast, bladder, intestine and prostate. Another substance found in carrots that may reduce the cancer risk is called falcarinol, this substance inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This fact has been proven by the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS).
Kale contains indoles and isothiocyanates that help to suppress the tumor growth and stops the conversion of lesions in to cancerous cells.
There are a variety of mushrooms that help build immunity and fight cancer such as shiitake, Agaricus blazei Murill, reishi, Coriolus Versicolor and maitake. The substance called Lentinan boosts immunity whereas lectin kills the cancerous cells; both of them are found in mushrooms.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene that protects the DNA from harmful chemicals causing cancer found outside the nuclear membrane.
The powerful antioxidant that is helpful in attacking free radicals known as glutathione is found abundantly in Avocados. Not only they are a good source of potassium but also contain beta-carotene. Researchers believe that avocados are helpful in treating liver cancer.
A research conducted by Institute of Physical and Chemical Research on Tokyo has found that benzaldehyde found in Figs is very helpful in shrinking tumors. Figs are also a rich source of important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin A and C. Its juice is beneficial for killing bacteria.
Just like other citrus fruits, the monoterpenes found in grape fruits sweep away carcinogens from the body. The fruit is abundant in vitamin C, folic acid and beta-carotene and is also effective for treating breast cancer.
Grapes, especially the red ones contain bioflavonoids, these powerful antioxidants act as cancer fighters. Also the resveratrol found in grapes inhibits the cancer causing enzymes.
The antioxidant found in raspberries called anthocyanin protects against cancer. The black raspberries are the best source of this antioxidant and protects against colon cancer.
The cancer triggering free radicals can be destroyed by the antioxidant called lycopene found in tomatoes; especially the tomatoes grown in hot weather have the highest amount of lycopene. Cancer of the mouth, breast, prostrate, colorectal and pancreas can be effectively treated by the lycopene. Researchers say that for proper absorption of lycopene some oils are also required by the body. The vitamin C found in tomatoes also protects from cellular damage that leads to cancer.
Flax provides a high source of omega-3 fatty acids that protect against heart disease and colon cancer. The lignans found in flax have an effect like antioxidant and help to inhibit cancerous changes.
The antioxidants campferol and quercetin found in nuts are useful for suppressing cancer growth. The nuts found in Brazil contain selenium that is helpful for prostate cancer.
The immunity boosting compounds called allium found in garlic plays an indirect role in breaking down substances that cause cancer and slows down tumor development. Garlic and other vegetables of its family like onion, chives and leeks help to reduce the risk of colon and stomach cancer.
Carnosol, an extract found from rosemary is ideal for the effective treatment of breast and skin cancer. You can make rosemary tea by adding 1teaspoon of dried rosemary in a cup of boiling water and continue boiling for 15 minutes over a low flame.
The active ingredient curcumin is very effective for colon and bowel cancer. It is known to reduce the production of abnormally high levels of inflammatory enzymes.
The antioxidants found in black and green tea halts the division of cancer cells, these antioxidants are called polyphenols. The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry states that these antioxidants are abundantly found in green tea followed by red wine and olive oil. Green tea can eliminate the risk of stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, lung and liver cancer.

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About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


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1 comment:

  1. Donot forget the most powerfull of all ! Ginger,
    Eat ginger of make ginger syrop.
    Ginger is the most effectie cure against cancer


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