Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Freedom from self

We always long for what we don't have and so having what you long for is the only way to free yourself from dissatisfaction. We have blamed a lot of things for the lack of freedom in our lives such that it seems revolutionary to go around blaming things and accuse them of oppression. Out of everything one thing that normally escapes blame is Self. Our ability to keep wanting what we don't need makes us vulnerable to dissatisfaction and there isn't a strong sense of self-worth in dissatisfaction, this is somehow the sickness of the whole world.

"You can't have it all" is a familiar phrase of comfort to out greedy souls that is lacking in everything with all its surrounded by. We fill the world with everything but ourselves and so with all that we accumulate we still longing for more not knowing that the sense of lack is an indication that you have jailed yourself to free the world to rule you.

Contentment is a sense of being satisfied even though you may not have everything but its knowing that you have the one thing that matters, Self. The world has pushed us to be defined by what we achive and not what we attain, people undress themselves to achive fame and attain shame. We drug ourselves with achievements when the emptiness of self shouts silently that "with all you have, you remain nothing". It is said "what good is it to gain the world and lose yourself"

With all priority the world advocates self is the last and so we remain salves to our very being, don't free the world free yourself!!!!

By Siphesihle Shabalala
Author of Well of Wisdom

© [Freethinkersclub] [2013]
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Wrong connection

We live in a society, which, if you are lucky, enables men and women alike to dream and have the freedom to give a shot at actually achieving it.
However, how free are we in a world where all your movements can and will be monitored should they feel that you are a threat to the system? A system fueled by money and power. Two elements that have seeped into our lives creating the disillusion that it increases the quality of life, two elements that have divided human from humanity. Escaping the system is not an option. The current way of regulation has been ingrained throughout the years and the roots have been affecting not only every citizen in this world but more importantly the planet itself. Long-term vision in this case is non-existent, if we continue to exploit the earth’s natural resources at the current rate, living lavishly as we do, the planet’s resources will be completely exhausted within, 50 years.
Why would we even worry or think about the generations yet to come? After all, all we want is the newest smartphone, the newest and fastest car, a nice and big house, go to faraway places, we want everything to be done at our convenience and if it does not happen we complain mercilessly about it. Convenience has become the new norm. If it does not meet our standard, - mind you, there are more or less 7 billion people on this planet so what is exactly the right standard? - then it is obviously below par. Nonetheless, 1 in 8 people in the world suffer from chronic undernourishment, they have been rejected by society, they are not fit to compete within society and keep up with the standards that the system has imposed upon us in the first place.
The boundaries of these standards are shifting; the pace of life is accelerating whereby the focus is put on future demands. Tomorrow is already too late, what would the consumer want in 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now? As Apple coyly stated in the distant past of 2001, “The Future is Here”. And they are right. In order to keep up with this tremendous speed, multitasking seems to be a fundamental skill an individual needs to possess. While on the phone with one person you can easily be chatting with your friend online at the very same time. Social networks make it easy to connect with people. However, these days being connected carries a downright different connotation. Supposedly this type of connection does more justice to its physical meaning as the social network connection consists of a link between points through fiber-optic cables. Each connection in your social network is merely a point within the ever-expanding length of cables. Real human connection seems to get lost on the cyber highway. The screen that is willingly put between us is convenient, it is a place where you can hide and safeguard the role you are playing and desperately trying to uphold within society. The more different screens you have to put between you and the other the better; a self-actualization through the materials you have worked so hard to pay for.
Staying in touch has been demoted to text messages. Nobody calls any more, let alone taking the time to write an actual handwritten letter. While the standard of living has increased tremendously, the value of connectivity has deteriorated dramatically. As a result, people not only lose touch of human connectivity but have devalued being in touch with humanity and compassion. Vulnerability continues to be a sign of weakness, courage continues to be for the brave who dare to stare danger right in the eyes, compassion is left for the nuns and connectivity can be found at your provider.
By Julie Ng

© [Freethinkersclub] [2013]
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Saturday, July 20, 2013

You Can Achieve

The only limits you have
Are those you accept
It is much better to have tried
Than to live in regret
You must reach for the sky
But take heed of your steps
There is more to life than
Money, Power, and Respect
There morals and values
That define what we do
There is a world out there
Much bigger than you
There is love there is hate
There is peace and there is war
There is a window left open
For every closed door
There are chances to take
You have a voice to be heard
For each of your mistakes
You have two lessons to learn
Do not be concerned
With trials of the past
Let go and move on
This life will not last
Enjoy what you have
But go for your dreams
Just know in your heart
That you can achieve.

author Victorious Robinson

© [Freethinkersclub] [2013]
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Friday, July 19, 2013

Be at liberty,Freedom to choose.

We exist within confines adhered to by conformity, there are so many people seeking to take advantage of us without our concern, the challenge of the 21st century is to consciously make a choice. I believe freedom to choose is the highest form of liberty and since people want to dominate over others there are so many ways in effect to oppress people in their liberty, so the question is are you really free?

Ignorance is a yoke of oppression, laziness to think and pursue knowledge keeps one under the hand of canning people in different areas of life. Its called T&C when we buy and ignoring this has left so many in great debt, the gray areas in business are the reason why others are employed and others are employees, there is always a barrier of ignorance around a slave the modern day trick of oppression is "make them believe they are free".

There is no rising above ignorance without diligence: we live in a reality where intelligence without diligence is being exploited for its ignorance. There is so much potential being wasted either because its being wrongly invested or its invested in laziness, diligence in the regard isn't only about working wholeheartedly but is also above searching and understanding the peak of your potential. Its sad to see an Eagle never take off and its strength compromised by the ignorance of its potential. Ignorance holds one back through two things: fear and preoccupation. A person living below the bar of their true potential is either afraid to pursue their true potential or they are overworked.

Ignorance in the past was through limiting information but today its through an overdose of information such that we cannot find our way to the desired end and so for us to express our freedom we have to diligently pursue our desire.

By Siphesihle AfrikaWisdom Shabalala
Author of Well of Wisdom

© [Freethinkersclub] [2013]
All Rights Reserved
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Caught in a cage made by myself.

Caught in a cage made by myself.

As I look out of my window, I can’t help feeling like a prisoner. A prisoner in my own home. A prisoner in my own body. A prisoner in my own mind. In this world, freedom is an illusion. People are led to believe they are free. Free to do what they want, free to live the way they want, free to think, free to voice their opinions. But, are we really? Can we ever feel completely free? With every action, every thought and every feeling defined by rules that were encrypted into our brains from the moment we open our eyes in this world. we are under constant judgement and scrutiny of ourselves and the society around us. How many of us really feel completely liberated at any given time of our lives? and what all can we feel free from?

There is so much suffering and hatred around us. What possession or what wealth can free us from the guilt that we feel? What can free us from our selfishness, from our greed, our lack of compassion towards ourselves, people like us and all the living things that exist around us?
None of us can ever call ourselves free. We are all prisoners in this world. We imprisoned ourselves.

It is believed by many, that it is a blessing to be born as a human being. It pains my heart to think otherwise, but according to me, human life is a curse. What is the point of possessing all the things that other living things do not when we use those possessions for self destruction, to cause suffering, to to destroy everything around us mindlessly.

We talk about intelligence, the greatest human power. What is intelligence? Competing with our fellow human beings to earn wealth? or is it obtaining a whole bunch of man made degrees (excelling in education)? What the hell is education? A person who goes through a government approved learning program, and at the end of it, is certified by the government as educated?

Everything that we consider important today is a joke! Made important by ourselves and wrongly so. We live in so much darkness, even when the world is flooded with light. There is no light in the world that can illuminate the darkness in our minds.

Why is it that, whatever we do, how much ever of it we do, how much ever we want to do it, we feel unsatisfied? The only explanation can be that we are not doing the right things with our lives. Not using what we have in the right way.

All these inventions and creations, what do we expect to keep doing with them? Keep destroying not only our planet but everything else in the universe? When is man’s quest going to end? What the hell is our ultimate goal in life? Some say, it is to make the universe, not only the world a better place for future generations. but do we really know what ‘better’ is? When is anything going to be good enough? We live our whole lives in the quest for better things. No one ever thinks about what is the best thing that anyone can ever have. The thing that they might trade any number of things, they might have, for?

Why is ‘Utopia’ considered such an illusive, impractical and unrealistic idea? Because we don’t believe we can ever be that civilized? And we gloat about how civilization was the best thing that ever happened to humanity. Who are classified as civilized human beings? The same people who make rules so they can justify the killing of people, exploitation and controlling every action of a human being?

Author - Anusha Rao
© [Freethinkersclub] [2013]
All Rights Reserved
No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author and blog, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials.


Caught in a cage made by myself.

Caught in a cage made by myself.

As I look out of my window, I can’t help feeling like a prisoner. A prisoner in my own home. A prisoner in my own body. A prisoner in my own mind. In this world, freedom is an illusion. People are led to believe they are free. Free to do what they want, free to live the way they want, free to think, free to voice their opinions. But, are we really? Can we ever feel completely free? With every action, every thought and every feeling defined by rules that were encrypted into our brains from the moment we open our eyes in this world. we are under constant judgement and scrutiny of ourselves and the society around us. How many of us really feel completely liberated at any given time of our lives? and what all can we feel free from?

There is so much suffering and hatred around us. What possession or what wealth can free us from the guilt that we feel? What can free us from our selfishness, from our greed, our lack of compassion towards ourselves, people like us and all the living things that exist around us?
None of us can ever call ourselves free. We are all prisoners in this world. We imprisoned ourselves.

It is believed by many, that it is a blessing to be born as a human being. It pains my heart to think otherwise, but according to me, human life is a curse. What is the point of possessing all the things that other living things do not when we use those possessions for self destruction, to cause suffering, to to destroy everything around us mindlessly.

We talk about intelligence, the greatest human power. What is intelligence? Competing with our fellow human beings to earn wealth? or is it obtaining a whole bunch of man made degrees (excelling in education)? What the hell is education? A person who goes through a government approved learning program, and at the end of it, is certified by the government as educated?

Everything that we consider important today is a joke! Made important by ourselves and wrongly so. We live in so much darkness, even when the world is flooded with light. There is no light in the world that can illuminate the darkness in our minds.

Why is it that, whatever we do, how much ever of it we do, how much ever we want to do it, we feel unsatisfied? The only explanation can be that we are not doing the right things with our lives. Not using what we have in the right way.

All these inventions and creations, what do we expect to keep doing with them? Keep destroying not only our planet but everything else in the universe? When is man’s quest going to end? What the hell is our ultimate goal in life? Some say, it is to make the universe, not only the world a better place for future generations. but do we really know what ‘better’ is? When is anything going to be good enough? We live our whole lives in the quest for better things. No one ever thinks about what is the best thing that anyone can ever have. The thing that they might trade any number of things, they might have, for?

Why is ‘Utopia’ considered such an illusive, impractical and unrealistic idea? Because we don’t believe we can ever be that civilized? And we gloat about how civilization was the best thing that ever happened to humanity. Who are classified as civilized human beings? The same people who make rules so they can justify the killing of people, exploitation and controlling every action of a human being?

Author - Anusha Rao
© [Freethinkersclub] [2013]
All Rights Reserved
No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author and blog, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm not afraid of who I am But more afraid of my mind

I'm not afraid of who I am But more afraid of my mind I'm not afraid of who I am
But more afraid of my mind
I've pushed you away not because I can
But rather because of my own kind

it was not a my choice to take
And not my minds thoughts to create
I am what mistakes I make
And for that, I remain still till I detonate

Mistakes of an other world's judgment
Come to me like air to mankind
For the road of insanity is my retirement
and my eyes closed to the blind

I've ran the series all through it all
Back and forth till I've blew up
There's no one to say or call
Drinking my blood from my own skull cup

I'm a monster that would kill its own
A monstrous creature bound to fill
The thoughts I get, I being blown
Not sure if to survive or kill

But in need, in need for something
A pill maybe, a shot, down to my own soul
Something that would remove everything
From up my mind, down to my greatest hole

I'm not who I am anymore
No, not sure of what I could be
But I'm sure I can't take no more
And I'm no longer me

author -Baleegh H. Hamd
© [Freethinkersclub] [2013]
All Rights Reserved
No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials.

I'm not afraid of who I am But more afraid of my mind

I'm not afraid of who I am But more afraid of my mind I'm not afraid of who I am
But more afraid of my mind
I've pushed you away not because I can
But rather because of my own kind

it was not a my choice to take
And not my minds thoughts to create
I am what mistakes I make
And for that, I remain still till I detonate

Mistakes of an other world's judgment
Come to me like air to mankind
For the road of insanity is my retirement
and my eyes closed to the blind

I've ran the series all through it all
Back and forth till I've blew up
There's no one to say or call
Drinking my blood from my own skull cup

I'm a monster that would kill its own
A monstrous creature bound to fill
The thoughts I get, I being blown
Not sure if to survive or kill

But in need, in need for something
A pill maybe, a shot, down to my own soul
Something that would remove everything
From up my mind, down to my greatest hole

I'm not who I am anymore
No, not sure of what I could be
But I'm sure I can't take no more
And I'm no longer me

author -Baleegh H. Hamd
© [Positive World] [2013]
All Rights Reserved
No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hey Mom and Dad, what is in that burger?

Jamie Oliver Campaign makes McDonald’s change recipe

Hambúrguer chef Jamie Oliver has just won a battle against one of the largest fast food chains in the world. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise announced it will change its recipe.

According to Oliver, the fatty parts of beef are “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling of the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, the food is deemed unfit for human consumption.

According to the chef and presenter, Jamie Oliver, who has undertaken a war against the fast food industry: “Basically, we’re taking a product that would be sold in the cheapest way for dogs, and after this process, is being given to human beings.”

Besides the low quality of the meat, the ammonium hydroxide is harmful to health. Oliver calls it “the pink slime process.”

“Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonia in the mouths of their children?” asked the chef, who wages a war against the fast food industry.

In one of his initiatives, Oliver demonstrates to children how nuggets are made. After selecting the best parts of the chicken, the remains (fat, skin and internal organs) are processed for these fried foods.

The company, Arcos Dorados, the franchise manager in Latin America, said such a procedure is not practiced in the region. The same applies to the product in Ireland and the UK, where they use meat from local suppliers.

In the United States, Burger King and Taco Bell had already abandoned the use of ammonia in their products. The food industry uses ammonium hydroxide as an anti-microbial agent in meats, which has allowed McDonald’s to use otherwise “inedible meat.”

Even more disturbing is that because ammonium hydroxide is considered part of the “component in a production procedure” by the USDA, consumers may not know when the chemical is in their food.

On the official website of McDonald’s, the company claims that their meat is cheap because, while serving many people every day, they are able to buy from their suppliers at a lower price, and offer the best quality products.

In addition, the franchise denied that the decision to change the recipe is related to Jamie Oliver’s campaign. On the site, McDonald’s has admitted that they have abandoned the beef filler from its burger patties.

Sources :
Image Credit


Hey Mom and Dad, what is in that burger?

Jamie Oliver Campaign makes McDonald’s change recipe

Hambúrguer chef Jamie Oliver has just won a battle against one of the largest fast food chains in the world. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise announced it will change its recipe.

According to Oliver, the fatty parts of beef are “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling of the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, the food is deemed unfit for human consumption.

According to the chef and presenter, Jamie Oliver, who has undertaken a war against the fast food industry: “Basically, we’re taking a product that would be sold in the cheapest way for dogs, and after this process, is being given to human beings.”

Besides the low quality of the meat, the ammonium hydroxide is harmful to health. Oliver calls it “the pink slime process.”

“Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonia in the mouths of their children?” asked the chef, who wages a war against the fast food industry.

In one of his initiatives, Oliver demonstrates to children how nuggets are made. After selecting the best parts of the chicken, the remains (fat, skin and internal organs) are processed for these fried foods.

The company, Arcos Dorados, the franchise manager in Latin America, said such a procedure is not practiced in the region. The same applies to the product in Ireland and the UK, where they use meat from local suppliers.

In the United States, Burger King and Taco Bell had already abandoned the use of ammonia in their products. The food industry uses ammonium hydroxide as an anti-microbial agent in meats, which has allowed McDonald’s to use otherwise “inedible meat.”

Even more disturbing is that because ammonium hydroxide is considered part of the “component in a production procedure” by the USDA, consumers may not know when the chemical is in their food.

On the official website of McDonald’s, the company claims that their meat is cheap because, while serving many people every day, they are able to buy from their suppliers at a lower price, and offer the best quality products.

In addition, the franchise denied that the decision to change the recipe is related to Jamie Oliver’s campaign. On the site, McDonald’s has admitted that they have abandoned the beef filler from its burger patties.

Sources :
Image Credit


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

In Case You Missed It, Government Confirms And Reports That Marijuana Prevents Or Cures Certain Cancers

In a recent report, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the Federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that marijuana “inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines.”

The same report showed marijuana slows or stops the growth of certain lung cancer cells and suggested that marijuana may provide “risk reduction and treatment of colorectal cancer.”

In Case You Missed It, Government Confirms And Reports That Marijuana Prevents Or Cures Certain CancersReferring to the NCI report, Patient Rights attorney Matthew Pappas said, “The Federal government’s continuing attack on people prescribed medical cannabis by their doctors is hypocritical considering the benefits reported by its own National Cancer Institute.”

Pappas represents patients in defending their right to reasonably obtain medical marijuana. The patients contend the Federal government and various municipalities are trying to prevent them from obtaining cannabis for medical purposes in direct contravention of state laws.

“Cities that ban dispensaries are denying patients the ability to obtain a medicine the Federal government’s National Institutes of Health says fights cancer and they’re doing it with the Obama Administration’s help.” Recently, the City of Los Angeles repealed its ban of medical marijuana collectives after Bill Rosendahl, a member of its city council diagnosed with cancer and prescribed medical marijuana said to fellow council members about the ban, “You want to kill me? You want to throw me under the bus?”

The NCI report also examined whether patients who smoke marijuana rather than ingesting it orally are exposed to a higher risk of lung and certain digestive system cancers. According to the government, 19 studies “failed to demonstrate statistically significant associations between marijuana inhalation and lung cancer.” The report also identified a separate study of 611 lung cancer patients that showed marijuana was “not associated with an increased risk of lung cancer or other upper aerodigestive tract cancers and found no positive associations with any cancer type.” In the area of prostate cancer, the NCI report was inconclusive and suggested further research was necessary. In its report, the National Cancer Institute also identified a “study of intratumoral injection of delta-9-THC in patients with recurrent glioblastoma” that showed tumor reduction in the test participants.

Despite the Federal government sanctioned and authorized NCI report, Pappas said Congress and the Obama Administration have continued to thwart marijuana research. In an announced effort to displace state medical marijuana laws, the Office of National Drug Control Policy described “medical” marijuana as a “myth” fueling “troubling misconceptions” in documents found on its website.

The Federal government appears to be focused on creating more chemical drugs, many of which are the subject of various attorney television commercials seeking out those adversely impacted by those drugs.

Pappas said both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Office of National Drug Control Policy continue to assert marijuana lacks any medicinal value despite the research showing cannabis reduces certain cancer risks and inhibits the growth of tumor cells. He also commented that the Federal government’s anti-marijuana position contributes to and encourages prejudice and public misconception about the legitimate use of medical cannabis as treatment for seriously ill patients.

In addition to anti-cancer properties, separate research reported marijuana appears to have “profound nerve-protective and brain-enhancing properties that could potentially treat many neurodegenerative disorders.” In its report, the National Cancer Institute stated cannabis effectively treats insomnia and referenced a placebo-controlled study in cancer patients showing increased quality of sleep and relaxation in those treated with tetrahydrocannabinol, an active component in marijuana.

Responding to a White House statement that only a small percentage of patients prescribed medical cannabis under state laws use it to treat cancer, Pappas said “marijuana isn’t just for cancer or AIDS patients – it can also treat, for example, sleeplessness.” Although generally not a life threatening condition, Pappas referred to insomnia as a health issue regularly treated with prescription drugs zolpidem (brand name Ambien) and eszopiclone (brand name Lunesta).

According to their manufacturers’ websites, zolpidem and eszopiclone have been shown to cause severe side effects including aggressiveness, hallucinations, confusion, or suicidal thoughts. Pappas noted that, unlike those drugs, studies on insomnia similar to those reported by the National Cancer Institute show medical marijuana effectively treats insomnia at a far lower cost and with fewer side effects. Marijuana has also been prescribed for glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and a variety of other physical and mental conditions.

Addressing the White House website statement that medical marijuana should remain criminally illegal under federal law, Pappas said that “with every drug, the doctor must consider the benefits versus any possible side effects. In its 3000-plus year history of medicinal use, there has never been a known, confirmed death caused by overdose of marijuana. To suggest that prescription drugs known to have severe negative side effects are alright and that marijuana can only be used for cancer or AIDS is nonsensical. It demonstrates how the Federal government’s decision to usurp state sovereignty is harming people because burdening citizens with federal criminal records based on medical marijuana provided for under state law is simply wrong. To continue outlawing the use of a drug shown to have life-saving, anti-cancer benefits that has been used safely as a medication for thousands of years is irresponsible.”
source -global news wire

In Case You Missed It, Government Confirms And Reports That Marijuana Prevents Or Cures Certain Cancers

In a recent report, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the Federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that marijuana “inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines.”

The same report showed marijuana slows or stops the growth of certain lung cancer cells and suggested that marijuana may provide “risk reduction and treatment of colorectal cancer.”

In Case You Missed It, Government Confirms And Reports That Marijuana Prevents Or Cures Certain CancersReferring to the NCI report, Patient Rights attorney Matthew Pappas said, “The Federal government’s continuing attack on people prescribed medical cannabis by their doctors is hypocritical considering the benefits reported by its own National Cancer Institute.”

Pappas represents patients in defending their right to reasonably obtain medical marijuana. The patients contend the Federal government and various municipalities are trying to prevent them from obtaining cannabis for medical purposes in direct contravention of state laws.

“Cities that ban dispensaries are denying patients the ability to obtain a medicine the Federal government’s National Institutes of Health says fights cancer and they’re doing it with the Obama Administration’s help.” Recently, the City of Los Angeles repealed its ban of medical marijuana collectives after Bill Rosendahl, a member of its city council diagnosed with cancer and prescribed medical marijuana said to fellow council members about the ban, “You want to kill me? You want to throw me under the bus?”

The NCI report also examined whether patients who smoke marijuana rather than ingesting it orally are exposed to a higher risk of lung and certain digestive system cancers. According to the government, 19 studies “failed to demonstrate statistically significant associations between marijuana inhalation and lung cancer.” The report also identified a separate study of 611 lung cancer patients that showed marijuana was “not associated with an increased risk of lung cancer or other upper aerodigestive tract cancers and found no positive associations with any cancer type.” In the area of prostate cancer, the NCI report was inconclusive and suggested further research was necessary. In its report, the National Cancer Institute also identified a “study of intratumoral injection of delta-9-THC in patients with recurrent glioblastoma” that showed tumor reduction in the test participants.

Despite the Federal government sanctioned and authorized NCI report, Pappas said Congress and the Obama Administration have continued to thwart marijuana research. In an announced effort to displace state medical marijuana laws, the Office of National Drug Control Policy described “medical” marijuana as a “myth” fueling “troubling misconceptions” in documents found on its website.

The Federal government appears to be focused on creating more chemical drugs, many of which are the subject of various attorney television commercials seeking out those adversely impacted by those drugs.

Pappas said both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Office of National Drug Control Policy continue to assert marijuana lacks any medicinal value despite the research showing cannabis reduces certain cancer risks and inhibits the growth of tumor cells. He also commented that the Federal government’s anti-marijuana position contributes to and encourages prejudice and public misconception about the legitimate use of medical cannabis as treatment for seriously ill patients.

In addition to anti-cancer properties, separate research reported marijuana appears to have “profound nerve-protective and brain-enhancing properties that could potentially treat many neurodegenerative disorders.” In its report, the National Cancer Institute stated cannabis effectively treats insomnia and referenced a placebo-controlled study in cancer patients showing increased quality of sleep and relaxation in those treated with tetrahydrocannabinol, an active component in marijuana.

Responding to a White House statement that only a small percentage of patients prescribed medical cannabis under state laws use it to treat cancer, Pappas said “marijuana isn’t just for cancer or AIDS patients – it can also treat, for example, sleeplessness.” Although generally not a life threatening condition, Pappas referred to insomnia as a health issue regularly treated with prescription drugs zolpidem (brand name Ambien) and eszopiclone (brand name Lunesta).

According to their manufacturers’ websites, zolpidem and eszopiclone have been shown to cause severe side effects including aggressiveness, hallucinations, confusion, or suicidal thoughts. Pappas noted that, unlike those drugs, studies on insomnia similar to those reported by the National Cancer Institute show medical marijuana effectively treats insomnia at a far lower cost and with fewer side effects. Marijuana has also been prescribed for glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and a variety of other physical and mental conditions.

Addressing the White House website statement that medical marijuana should remain criminally illegal under federal law, Pappas said that “with every drug, the doctor must consider the benefits versus any possible side effects. In its 3000-plus year history of medicinal use, there has never been a known, confirmed death caused by overdose of marijuana. To suggest that prescription drugs known to have severe negative side effects are alright and that marijuana can only be used for cancer or AIDS is nonsensical. It demonstrates how the Federal government’s decision to usurp state sovereignty is harming people because burdening citizens with federal criminal records based on medical marijuana provided for under state law is simply wrong. To continue outlawing the use of a drug shown to have life-saving, anti-cancer benefits that has been used safely as a medication for thousands of years is irresponsible.”
source -global news wire

Monday, July 8, 2013

Andy Murray beats Novak Djokovic to win Wimbledon

Yesterday 07 july , 2013 was an epic day in the life of tennis history especially for birtain as they have created history in 77 years .Andy murrey was the one who did ,he beat world rank no.1 Novak Djokovic with his abysmal perforfance ,curatiling the hope of serbian player to take another grandslam home but that is not what destiny wants and results are therefore something different.What a game ,really one of its kind ,which will be enjoyed by generations after generations .With last championship point won after 5 deuce ,crowd was cheering hard and clearly wants murrey to win it which eventually happened (and history was created).You can see the tension on the face of andy murray's coach ,mother and britain celebritites who came all the way to watch british win. Some of the great people among crowd were Prime minister itself, Bradley cooper , Gerard Butler and many others .
I think if you have not watched the game you should really watch it ,it was a greta game to watch. There are many few moments also which are really hilarious on andy's stupidity but no one can say anything cause man wins and maybe ecstatic about it which can be clearly seen from his expression and gesture .Some moments are when andy murray won and went to his coach and family area for accolade he forget his mother (even commentator were laughing) ,He dropped the top of the Wimbeldon cup at ground .But keeping jokes apart its the mark of new era in Laen tennis history with new players coming up .Both Fedex and Rafa (legends) were sent home early top two positions were taken by Novak and Andy great game .New guns are coming but it would love to see tyrant veteran to defeat these new guns.Lot to watch in tennis but this is one of the clear evidence when britain rocks world shocks!

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The wise teacher and the jar

There was once a very wise teacher, whose words of wisdom students would come from far and wide to hear. One day as usual, many students began to gather in the teaching room. They came in and sat down very quietly, looking to the front with keen anticipation, ready to hear what the teacher had to say.

Eventually the teacher came in and sat down in front of the students. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. On one side of the teacher was a large glass jar. On the other side was a pile of dark grey rocks. Without saying a word, the teacher began to pick up the rocks one by one and place them very carefully in the glass jar (Plonk. Plonk.) When all the rocks were in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar full?' 'Yes,' said the students. 'Yes, teacher, the jar is full'.

Without saying a word, the teacher began to drop small round pink pebbles carefully into the large glass jar so that they fell down between the rocks. (Clickety click. Clickety click.) When all the pebbles were in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar now full?' The students looked at one another and then some of them started nodding and saying, 'Yes. Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Yes'.

Without saying a word, the teacher took some fine silver sand and let it trickle with a gentle sighing sound into the large glass jar (whoosh) where it settled around the pink pebbles and the dark grey rocks. When all the sand was in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar now full?'

The students were not so confident this time, but the sand had clearly filled all the space in the jar so a few still nodded and said, 'Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Now it's full'.

Without saving a word, the teacher took a jug of water and poured it carefully, without splashing a drop, into the large glass jar. (Gloog. Gloog.)

When the water reached the brim, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar now full?' Most of the students were silent, but two or three ventured to answer, 'Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Now it is'.

Without saying a word, the teacher took a handful of salt and sprinkled it slowly over the top of the water with a very quiet whishing sound. (Whish.) When all the salt had dissolved into the water, the teacher turned to the students and asked once more, 'Is the jar now full?' The students were totally silent. Eventually one brave student said, 'Yes, teacher. The jar is now full'. 'Yes,' said the teacher 'The jar is now full'.

The teacher then said: 'A story always has many meanings and you will each have understood many things from this demonstration. Discuss quietly amongst yourselves what meanings the story has for you. How many different messages can you find in it and take from it?'

The students looked at the wise teacher and at the beautiful glass jar filled with grey rocks, pink pebbles, silver sand, water and salt. Then they quietly discussed with one another the meanings the story had for them. After a few minutes, the wise teacher raised one hand and the room fell silent. The teacher said: 'Remember that there is never just one interpretation of anything. You have all taken away many meanings and messages from the story, and each meaning is as important and as valid as any other'.

And without saying another word, the teacher got up and left the room.

And another version of the same story ...

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of small pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "Yes." The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now", said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - your family, your children, your health, your friends, your favorite passions - things that, if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car.

The sand is everything else - the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first" he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the rubbish. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand".

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that, no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers".


The wise teacher and the jar

There was once a very wise teacher, whose words of wisdom students would come from far and wide to hear. One day as usual, many students began to gather in the teaching room. They came in and sat down very quietly, looking to the front with keen anticipation, ready to hear what the teacher had to say.

Eventually the teacher came in and sat down in front of the students. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. On one side of the teacher was a large glass jar. On the other side was a pile of dark grey rocks. Without saying a word, the teacher began to pick up the rocks one by one and place them very carefully in the glass jar (Plonk. Plonk.) When all the rocks were in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar full?' 'Yes,' said the students. 'Yes, teacher, the jar is full'.

Without saying a word, the teacher began to drop small round pink pebbles carefully into the large glass jar so that they fell down between the rocks. (Clickety click. Clickety click.) When all the pebbles were in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar now full?' The students looked at one another and then some of them started nodding and saying, 'Yes. Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Yes'.

Without saying a word, the teacher took some fine silver sand and let it trickle with a gentle sighing sound into the large glass jar (whoosh) where it settled around the pink pebbles and the dark grey rocks. When all the sand was in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar now full?'

The students were not so confident this time, but the sand had clearly filled all the space in the jar so a few still nodded and said, 'Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Now it's full'.

Without saving a word, the teacher took a jug of water and poured it carefully, without splashing a drop, into the large glass jar. (Gloog. Gloog.)

When the water reached the brim, the teacher turned to the students and asked, 'Is the jar now full?' Most of the students were silent, but two or three ventured to answer, 'Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Now it is'.

Without saying a word, the teacher took a handful of salt and sprinkled it slowly over the top of the water with a very quiet whishing sound. (Whish.) When all the salt had dissolved into the water, the teacher turned to the students and asked once more, 'Is the jar now full?' The students were totally silent. Eventually one brave student said, 'Yes, teacher. The jar is now full'. 'Yes,' said the teacher 'The jar is now full'.

The teacher then said: 'A story always has many meanings and you will each have understood many things from this demonstration. Discuss quietly amongst yourselves what meanings the story has for you. How many different messages can you find in it and take from it?'

The students looked at the wise teacher and at the beautiful glass jar filled with grey rocks, pink pebbles, silver sand, water and salt. Then they quietly discussed with one another the meanings the story had for them. After a few minutes, the wise teacher raised one hand and the room fell silent. The teacher said: 'Remember that there is never just one interpretation of anything. You have all taken away many meanings and messages from the story, and each meaning is as important and as valid as any other'.

And without saying another word, the teacher got up and left the room.

And another version of the same story ...

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of small pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "Yes." The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now", said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - your family, your children, your health, your friends, your favorite passions - things that, if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car.

The sand is everything else - the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first" he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the rubbish. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand".

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that, no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers".


Friday, July 5, 2013

amazing story of an actor -Sanjay Dutt

Today while surfing on net ,i found a story about indian actor Sanjay Dutt recently jailed for a crime he did on april 1993(thats how indian government works, they will punish you for the crime you forget long ago) , arrested under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act (TADA) in April 1993, due to terrorist interactions, and illegal possession of a 9mm pistol and an AK-56 assault rifle.

Before going to jail he completed his film "Policegiri" which is to be premiered at dubai but due to recent activity in "Uttarakhand"(a state which was hit by a severe landsliding led to the death of several thousands of people ,reports are saying 20,000 but real count is much larger as many are inside of debries which are still to be cleared out).He asked the producer by writing them from jail to cancel the premiere in dubai and instead donate the money to be spend on premiere to the poor families in uttarakhand. It is a great gesture on his part and i really liked the fact people caring about other people .This is how we all should be .


Margherita Hack is a famous astrophysicist died

Margherita Hack is a famous astrophysicist and has a asteroid named after her "8558 Hack".She is a writer also mainly science books among her famous books is Perché sono vegetariana ("Why I Am A Vegetarian") .She is also a vegetarian .
Born in Florence, she graduated in physics from the University of Florence in 1945, with a thesis in astrophysics on Cepheid variables, after studies made in the Arcetri Observatory. She was full professor of astronomy from 1964 to 1997 at the University of Trieste before she retired in 1998.
She administered the Trieste Astronomical Observatory from 1964 to 1987.

She is renowned for her Atheism one of her excerpts  “God is like Father Christmas… when you grow up you don’t believe in him any more.She defames the CAtholic Churches for their interference with the politics and for merging Religion with politics.
She is a candid person and fear no one as she write a open letter to " Silvio Berlusconi" to face charges .She was a left wing extremist believes in equality for all.
"I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good." Thomas Paine


Margherita Hack is a famous astrophysicist died

Margherita Hack is a famous astrophysicist and has a asteroid named after her "8558 Hack".She is a writer also mainly science books among her famous books is Perché sono vegetariana ("Why I Am A Vegetarian") .She is also a vegetarian .
Born in Florence, she graduated in physics from the University of Florence in 1945, with a thesis in astrophysics on Cepheid variables, after studies made in the Arcetri Observatory. She was full professor of astronomy from 1964 to 1997 at the University of Trieste before she retired in 1998.
She administered the Trieste Astronomical Observatory from 1964 to 1987.

She is renowned for her Atheism one of her excerpts  “God is like Father Christmas… when you grow up you don’t believe in him any more.She defames the CAtholic Churches for their interference with the politics and for merging Religion with politics.
She is a candid person and fear no one as she write a open letter to " Silvio Berlusconi" to face charges .She was a left wing extremist believes in equality for all.
"I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good." Thomas Paine


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Human Brain Analysis

Man vs. Woman


    Women's brain designed to concentrate multiple task at a time. Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook. Men's brain designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.


     Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 yeard old boy.


       Mens brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.


       While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.


       When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Womans super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Mens brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face. So guys, do not lie face to face.


       If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.


      Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...


       If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.


      Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.


       Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking 

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