Sunday, March 10, 2013

How To Pull Yourself Out Of A Rut !

There is no denying that some are naturally happier than others. After all, this is reality. But, just because we can’t all be instinctively happy, doesn’t mean we can’t cultivate our own happiness. So, how do we do this when reality is throwing us curve balls (the size of a small planet) day after day? You could wait around for someone to lift you out of your rut or you can take action, after all, this is your life.

1. Stop waiting to be rescued from your situation. There is always someone on your side. They may be encouraging and supportive but at the end of the day, the only person who can truly change your life is YOU. You aren’t going to find happiness in a book or a guru, or a new relationship, the answer is inside you. The hard part is, deep down inside, many of us already know what to do to make ourselves happy, but the thought of actually doing it is scary! The reality of it is, there is no time like the present. Take control of your life today, your relationships, your body, your finances, your career and your attitude. Control what you can and don’t waste energy on what you can’t. As much as we wish super heroes were real… at the end of the day you have to save yourself, be your own hero.

2. Take a positive step every day. We all have a to-do list that gets longer by the day and there is always an excuse to pretend it doesn’t exist but the truth is, completing goals is one of the most fulfilling things we can do. So, try doing something every day (yep, every single day) that you should do or have always wanted to do. It might be something huge like going to A.A. for the first time, it might be something like healing a damaged relationship or it could be something simple (but significant nonetheless) like going for a twenty minute walk or reducing your chocolate intake by half. As you tick those boxes day after day, your thinking will change, your motivation will increase, you’ll become more productive and proactive, and pretty soon you’ll be living in a different place. If you are the visual type, sit yourself down and make a checklist. Then treat yourself to a pretty pen and get ticking!

3. Put things into perspective. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves how hard our life isn’t! Things can always, always be worse and sometimes we make our lives harder than they need to be. I love to picture myself in 20 years, giggling at how dramatic I was being, with a big goofy smile on my dial. Also, if you are one of those people who shudder at the thought of high school and all its bad memories, try to think back to a specific time or event that was so terrible. I bet you can only remember a couple. Yet don’t you tell yourself you were unhappy most of the time? The fact is we, as humans, forget! We go through hard times then we come out the other side feeling happy and the bad memories fade. No matter what is happening in your life right now, it will get easier. The bad will fade and the good will grow.

4. Get involved in a project other than yourself! The more self-absorbed we are, the unhappier we’ll be and the longer we’ll stay in our rut. Ironically, sometimes the answer to overcoming some of our issues is to not focus on (obsess about) our issues. Weird huh? When we become more focused on giving (rather than getting) amazing things happen. We often find a new sense of purpose, we feel needed, wanted and appreciated and we start to shift from a negative to a positive mindset. From selfish to selfless

There are hundreds of things you can do to get yourself out of your rut but at the core of it all you have to remember that to change you have to make changes.

You deserve to be happy.

Do this for you
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About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


I am the founder of this blog if you like my tuts , follow me

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