Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Freedom from self

We always long for what we don't have and so having what you long for is the only way to free yourself from dissatisfaction. We have blamed a lot of things for the lack of freedom in our lives such that it seems revolutionary to go around blaming things and accuse them of oppression. Out of everything one thing that normally escapes blame is Self. Our ability to keep wanting what we don't need makes us vulnerable to dissatisfaction and there isn't a strong sense of self-worth in dissatisfaction, this is somehow the sickness of the whole world.

"You can't have it all" is a familiar phrase of comfort to out greedy souls that is lacking in everything with all its surrounded by. We fill the world with everything but ourselves and so with all that we accumulate we still longing for more not knowing that the sense of lack is an indication that you have jailed yourself to free the world to rule you.

Contentment is a sense of being satisfied even though you may not have everything but its knowing that you have the one thing that matters, Self. The world has pushed us to be defined by what we achive and not what we attain, people undress themselves to achive fame and attain shame. We drug ourselves with achievements when the emptiness of self shouts silently that "with all you have, you remain nothing". It is said "what good is it to gain the world and lose yourself"

With all priority the world advocates self is the last and so we remain salves to our very being, don't free the world free yourself!!!!

By Siphesihle Shabalala
Author of Well of Wisdom

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Wasim Ahmad


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