Monday, April 29, 2013

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!

On Marco Island, Florida a group of dolphins came to the aid of a lost Dog that had fallen into a canal and couldn't get out. The dolphins made so much noise, it attracted the attention of people living nearby, who then rescued the dog. The Dog was believed to have spent 15 hours in the canal water before he was pulled out by fire personnel and reunited with his owner.

One of the people whose attention was captured by the noisy, demonstrative dolphins said, "They were really putting up a ruckus, almost beaching themselves on the sandbar over there. If it wasn't for the dolphin, I would have never seen the dog.” (Source: ABC7news) He said also if the dolphins hadn't persisted enough to get their attention, they dog would have died in the canal. 

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!  On Marco Island, Florida a group of dolphins came to the aid of a lost Dog that had fallen into a canal and couldn't get out. The dolphins made so much noise, it attracted the attention of people living nearby, who then rescued the dog. The Dog was believed to have spent 15 hours in the canal water before he was pulled out by fire personnel and reunited with his owner.  One of the people whose attention was captured by the noisy, demonstrative dolphins said, "They were really putting up a ruckus, almost beaching themselves on the sandbar over there. If it wasn't for the dolphin, I would have never seen the dog.” (Source: ABC7news) He said also if the dolphins hadn't persisted enough to get their attention, they dog would have died in the canal.   The dog had fallen over the edge of a concrete wall down into the water far enough that it had no chance of getting back up by itself. The dog was exhausted from being in the cold water for hours, and most likely suffering from hypothermia.  Dolphins have been known to sometimes help stranded or injured people as well. In 2007, a pod of dolphins formed a ring around a surfer who was injured and bleeding after being bitten by a Great White shark. The surfer survived because they prevented further bites. No one knows exactly why dolphins have intervened in such emergency situations, and helped save the lives of other species.   Suffice to say they are capable of empathy and heroic actions. Keep sharing @[383902301704226:274:Facts You Never Knew]

The dog had fallen over the edge of a concrete wall down into the water far enough that it had no chance of getting back up by itself. The dog was exhausted from being in the cold water for hours, and most likely suffering from hypothermia.

Dolphins have been known to sometimes help stranded or injured people as well. In 2007, a pod of dolphins formed a ring around a surfer who was injured and bleeding after being bitten by a Great White shark. The surfer survived because they prevented further bites. No one knows exactly why dolphins have intervened in such emergency situations, and helped save the lives of other species. 

Suffice to say they are capable of empathy and heroic actions.

Keep sharing Facts You Never Knew

About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


I am the founder of this blog if you like my tuts , follow me


  1. The compassion of animals never ceases to amaze me.

  2. Thats a shark in the photo, you can clearly tell by the dorsal fin.

  3. dolphins have dorsal fins. plus you can make out the face... of a dolphin.

  4. "The compassion of animals never ceases to amaze me."

    Yes I just love when male lions kill the young offspring of other male lions. Or how dolphins form violent gangs for the conquering of their female kin.

  5. Killlllllljoyyyyyyyyy, lol

  6. LOL killjoy for sure

  7. Not a shark idiot. Look at the attention!

  8. Whoever thinks its a shark is an... Idiot

  9. "The compassion of animals never ceases to amaze me."

    Yes I just love when male lions kill the young offspring of other male lions. Or how dolphins form violent gangs for the conquering of their female kin.

    We know ! We know fighting, competition, fury, instinct and brutality very well in the world. It is when they behave outside of what we call the norm , in an altruistic and compassionate way that we marvel. We ALL understand selfish survival too well. Let us enjoy the moments that bring us joy that are parallel with what you mention.One of the layers of reality. I understand we can get disillusioned by what we witness and it makes us too ready to expect bad news and see the negative. Let humans see that there might be a different way. That an unspoken testimony like this maybe just maybe might spark or inspire us and make this experience more rich.

  10. Whyyy you troll?...was I not good to you?!...Did I not treat you like a brother ...I let you in...and this is the thanks I get...You are dead to me!


  11. Picture is from a movie..."Zeus and Roxanne"


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